Read Genuine Guest Reviews for Bravo Inn

The following guest reviews are submitted by guests after their stay at the Bravo Inn Johnson City. These reviews are the opinions of the guest that reflect their experience at this property.

1 Authentic Reviews from Our Guests

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Amber Jeffries
Amber Jeffries  
Flag US
December 30, 2021

"Nicu stay from the hospital”

I had an emergency c section at jcmc nicu with twins and one actually had to have surgery Ronald McDonald house was not ready yet and we couldn't find anything affordable and nice to stay in bravo in their prices for a week are great we were shocked by how clean the room was cuz you don't expect much you would think from a small affordable hotel but this one blew me away I'm so so grateful for their room rate their cleanliness their hospitality and they were apart of mine and my babies recovery we don't know what we would have done without them I mean really we live hour and a half away and I'm just so thankful the ppl staying locals were nice everyone checked up on me I'm so happy with room and really with the ppl they made this stay unforgettable thank you bravo inn from the twins mommy

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